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Meet Our Alumni


Abhinav Arulanandan

When I was younger, I attended one of SCARF's first Scientific Symposiums and ever since I saw the clarity, confidence, and depth with which the students presented their topics, I had made it my goal to be able to gain the same abilities. During my time as a SCARF Ambassador, I have been able to achieve this goal and have learned more than I could have ever imagined about cardiology, healthcare, professionalism, and even myself. I have noticed values and ideals of SCARF have greatly influenced my own values and am excited to continue furthering the mission of the foundation. During the year, I am involved in two sports, two choirs, three academic teams, and theatre. I spend most of my time at my school, but since I'm always open to learning and my extracurriculars are my hobbies, I love every second of it.

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